So we decided that this year we would have Kenna's Birthday Party early, since it is in the summer sometimes it is hard to get a good turn out for her party's. My grandma has a timeshare up at East Canyon Resort so we decided to have the mess up there instead of our house. The night before the party me and Josh drove up to the condo and decorated. We made these cardboard decorations that were everywhere, as you can tell her theme was "PEACE".
We had all of the girls bring their sleeping bags and pillows over the night before because we were leaving for the party right after school. We had so many girls RSVP for this party that we had to find a way to get them all up to the condo, so we rented a limo to drive them up. Oh my heck, I have never heard so much screaming. The limo picked them up in front of the school and you would have thought that some kind of celebrity had showed up. The plan was to have my mom leave before us so she could set out all of the clues for the treasure hunt but the freakin limo driver was on and mission and made it to the condo in 30 mins. All of us in the limo were ready to flippin puke. I got a picture of them in the limo but not outside of it, dang it!!! So there are some picture of the treasure hunt we sent them on. It was so fun, they had to sing a beatles song to the country store clerk for a clue. They had to do "the swim" and "the pony" for another. On one of the clues they had to scream "FLOWER POWER" off the top of the lodge. They had so much fun. But let me just say I was so glad when it was OVER!!!!!
Happy pretend birthday Kenna! I bet your mom and dad needed some "peace" after that. haha